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Top Medicare and all-payer inpatient procedures by ICD-10 code

On January 1, 2023, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) released changes made to its list of inpatient-only procedures. Currently, there are approximately 1,700 surgical procedures on the list, with some being added and removed every year. In 2023, CMS removed 11 codes (mostly involving facial and bone reconstruction) and added eight (mostly related to hernia repair).

A major implication of this change is that ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and other outpatient care centers can offer these reconstruction procedures, potentially drawing patients and revenue away from more traditional hospital inpatient departments. One factor driving patients to ASCs for procedures is the cost difference.

The following list features the top 25 all-payor and Medicare inpatient procedures by volume, with ICD-10 codes. Raw procedure count numbers have been converted to a percentage share of the top 25 procedures for each category.

Top 25 all-payer inpatient procedures by ICD-10 code

RankICD-10DescriptionProcedure countExplore dataset
15A1D70ZPerformance of Urinary Filtration, Intermittent, Less than 6 Hours Per Day8.87%Explore
210E0XZZDelivery of Products of Conception, External Approach8.26%Explore
302HV33ZInsertion of Infusion Device into Superior Vena Cava, Percutaneous Approach7.48%Explore
430233N1Transfusion of Nonautologous Red Blood Cells into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach7.26%Explore
50BH17EZInsertion of Endotracheal Airway into Trachea, Via Natural or Artificial Opening5.02%Explore
6B2111ZZFluoroscopy of Multiple Coronary Arteries using Low Osmolar Contrast4.91%Explore
75A09357Assistance with Respiratory Ventilation, Less than 24 Consecutive Hours, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure4.82%Explore
83E0234ZIntroduction of Serum, Toxoid and Vaccine into Muscle, Percutaneous Approach4.52%Explore
910907ZCDrainage of Amniotic Fluid, Therapeutic from Products of Conception, Via Natural or Artificial Opening4.52%Explore
104A023N7Measurement of Cardiac Sampling and Pressure, Left Heart, Percutaneous Approach4.39%Explore
1110D00Z1Extraction of Products of Conception, Low, Open Approach4.33%Explore
123E033VJIntroduction of Other Hormone into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach3.79%Explore
130VTTXZZResection of Prepuce, External Approach3.61%Explore
140KQM0ZZRepair Perineum Muscle, Open Approach2.86%Explore
15HZ2ZZZZDetoxification Services for Substance Abuse Treatment2.68%Explore
164A1HXCZMonitoring of Products of Conception, Cardiac Rate, External Approach2.59%Explore
170DJ08ZZInspection of Upper Intestinal Tract, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic2.56%Explore
185A1945ZRespiratory Ventilation, 24-96 Consecutive Hours2.55%Explore
195A1955ZRespiratory Ventilation, Greater than 96 Consecutive Hours2.44%Explore
208E0W4CZRobotic Assisted Procedure of Trunk Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach2.30%Explore
210HQ9XZZRepair Perineum Skin, External Approach2.15%Explore
2203HY32ZInsertion of Monitoring Device into Upper Artery, Percutaneous Approach2.11%Explore
23GZHZZZZGroup Psychotherapy2.07%Explore
245A1935ZRespiratory Ventilation, Less than 24 Consecutive Hours1.98%Explore
25B2151ZZFluoroscopy of Left Heart using Low Osmolar Contrast1.95%Explore

Fig. 1 Data from Definitive Healthcare based on 2023 Medicare SAF data (most recent available), released in spring 2024.

Top 25 Medicare inpatient procedures by ICD-10 code

RankICD-10DescriptionProcedure CountExplore dataset
110E0XZZDelivery of Products of Conception, External Approach21.14%Explore
25A1D70ZPerformance of Urinary Filtration, Intermittent, Less than 6 Hours Per Day13.89%Explore
310D00Z1Extraction of Products of Conception, Low, Open Approach13.37%Explore
410907ZCDrainage of Amniotic Fluid, Therapeutic from Products of Conception, Via Natural or Artificial Opening7.17%Explore
53E0G76ZIntroduction of Nutritional Substance into Upper GI, Via Natural or Artificial Opening4.40%Explore
6XW033E5Introduction of Remdesivir Anti-infective into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach, New Technology Group 54.19%Explore
702HV33ZInsertion of Infusion Device into Superior Vena Cava, Percutaneous Approach4.17%Explore
830233N1Transfusion of Nonautologous Red Blood Cells into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach4.06%Explore
105A09357Assistance with Respiratory Ventilation, Less than 24 Consecutive Hours, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure2.68%Explore
11B2111ZZFluoroscopy of Multiple Coronary Arteries using Low Osmolar Contrast2.60%Explore
124A023N7Measurement of Cardiac Sampling and Pressure, Left Heart, Percutaneous Approach2.42%Explore
130BH17EZInsertion of Endotracheal Airway into Trachea, Via Natural or Artificial Opening2.40%Explore
144A03X5DMeasurement of Arterial Flow, Intracranial, External Approach1.48%Explore
155A0935AAssistance with Respiratory Ventilation, Less than 24 Consecutive Hours, High Nasal Flow/Velocity1.40%Explore
168E0W4CZRobotic Assisted Procedure of Trunk Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach1.34%Explore
175A1945ZRespiratory Ventilation, 24-96 Consecutive Hours1.31%Explore
185A1955ZRespiratory Ventilation, Greater than 96 Consecutive Hours1.28%Explore
190DJ08ZZInspection of Upper Intestinal Tract, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic1.18%Explore
20B2151ZZFluoroscopy of Left Heart using Low Osmolar Contrast1.11%Explore
2101NB0ZZRelease Lumbar Nerve, Open Approach1.10%Explore
2203HY32ZInsertion of Monitoring Device into Upper Artery, Percutaneous Approach1.06%Explore
233E0234ZIntroduction of Serum, Toxoid and Vaccine into Muscle, Percutaneous Approach0.95%Explore
240W9G3ZZDrainage of Peritoneal Cavity, Percutaneous Approach0.94%Explore
250DB68ZXExcision of Stomach, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic, Diagnostic0.92%Explore

Fig. 2 Data from Definitive Healthcare based on 2023 Medicare SAF data (most recent available), released in spring 2024.

Which inpatient-only procedures were performed most in 2023?

Injections, transfusions, and diagnostic tests appeared frequently across both lists, but obstetric and urinary procedures ultimately took the top two spots: “Delivery of Products of Conception, External Approach” and “Performance of Urinary Filtration, Intermittent, Less than 6 Hours Per Day”.

Are ICD-10 codes only for inpatient procedures?

The ICD-10 code set is used for both inpatient and outpatient procedures. The relatively high number of ICD-10 codes compared to previous code sets enables greater coding specificity, which is especially useful for inpatient coding, as inpatient records tend to be more detailed and complex than outpatient records.

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