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Kate Shamsuddin Jensen

Kate Shamsuddin Jensen

About the Author

As Chief Product Officer of Definitive Healthcare, Kate leads the company’s product innovation and market strategy. She also works in support of operational initiatives across sales and marketing that drive market penetration and execution. Before joining Definitive Healthcare, Kate worked on the product development team within strategic services at Blue Cross Blue Shield. She began her career as a health analyst at RTI International, an independent non-profit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition worldwide.

Kate holds undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Global Health from Emory College, and a master’s degree from Harvard School of Public Health.

When Kate is not planning Definitive Healthcare’s next product release, you can find her trying out new recipes in the kitchen (beef wellington is up next). As a passionate cook and a lover of the outdoors, Kate and her husband spend much of their time bouncing between the kitchen and the garden—which is quickly expanding with new blooms each season.

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