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Webinar: Selling to Long-Term Care Facilities

Learn how to leverage healthcare data to enhance your sales and marketing efforts in this space including: 

  • A review of the current state of the healthcare market 
  • The biggest challenges in selling to this complex and challenging marketplace 
  •  Relationships between long term care (SNF, HHA & Hospice) with other provider types 
  •  Analysis of trends in the long term care market 
  • Financial and quality metrics

You’ll see how to use this data to target and segment your market, understand who to reach out to and how to contact them, and how to begin your conversation. 

Who should watch this?

  • Companies that sell to Long Term Care, such as pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, or technology vendors 
  • Facilities, staffing firms, and recruiters that need to identify and hire administrators and DONs. 
  • Firms that work within the Long Term Care market, such as consulting or financial firms 

Watch The Replay!

Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Unknown (00:00):
… it’s on the call today. So for those of you not familiar with Definitive Healthcare, let me just give a quick background. We supply data and intelligence on healthcare facilities, providers, and organizations. So in terms of facilities, we track hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, imaging centers, long term care facilities, which of course we’re talking about today. And most recently we’ve added urgent care and other types of clinics as well. We also track data on physicians and physician groups. And in addition to those providers, we track other organizations that are part of the healthcare supply chain, such as ACOs, GPOs, payers. So we really cover the entire healthcare continuum. Some of the types of data that we track are shown on the right side of this slide. And that includes affiliations between all the types of providers and organizations that I just mentioned. Key executives, executive changes at those providers and all sorts of metrics and procedure data.

Just a few housekeeping items up front. First of all, this webinar is being recorded. Anyone who registered, whether they’re attending or not will receive a link to the recording in a follow-up email tomorrow. Second, we have a lot of people on the call today. So everyone’s line is muted. However, we welcome you to enter any questions into the webinar chat box. If I can provide a quick answer by chat, I will, or if James is able to address it during his presentation, he’ll do that. But if we’re not able to answer it live, then we’ll be sure to have somebody reach out to you within the next couple of days. And lastly, at the end of the webinar, there’s a link to a quick and simple survey. We encourage you to take a moment to fill that out, to give us some feedback on the webinar that we can use to improve our future presentations.

As I mentioned, we have both clients and non clients on this call. So the webinar is meant to be informative and educational, whether you use our product or not. James is going to spend about 30 minutes going through his slides, giving an overview of what’s going on in the market. We’ll kind of data’s available, how you can leverage it. And then after he is gone through his slides, he’s going to jump into our product and show some examples of the data and discuss some use cases. So if you’re a client and want a better understanding of how the data appears in our product, or if you’re not a client, but just want to see some examples of how this data can be used, then you’re invited to stay on for that portion. Of course, if you’re not interested in seeing that, then you’re welcome to drop off at that time. So with that, thank you again for attending. And at this point, I’ll turn it over to James to deliver the material.

Unknown (02:19):
Hey, thank you for that. Great introduction, Mark. And thank you to everyone for showing up to this webinar. This is actually a little bit of a pet project of mine, as you’ll see in the upcoming slides, I have a great amount of experience in this field. So let’s actually get started with what the agenda looks like for today. This is kind of a rough outline for some of the talking points that we’ll cover. So one is the current state of the healthcare industry. More specifically, the current state of the long term care industry. We’re also going to try and tackle some of the biggest challenges for companies that are selling into this market. We’re also going to be looking at the relationships between those large IDNs, hospitals, physicians, and the skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and hospice agencies that receive a great number of referrals discharges from those organizations… .