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Using data to drive operational excellence within medical professional associations

Having access to the right data can lead to a fundamental shift in how an organization operates. Join us for an exploration of how forward thinking medical professional associations are using data to enhance their offerings to better serve their members and communities at large.

In this session we will:

  • Provide context on how to determine whether you’re ready to begin integrating data into your day-to-day operations
  • Share best practices for using data to drive positive outcomes for your members
  • Provide examples of the effective use of data within the context of medical professional associations
  • Answer your questions about implementing data-driven decision making within your organization


About the speakers

Kevin Dubuc, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Definitive Healthcare

Prior to Definitive Healthcare he worked for Cardinal Health where he spent four years managing many of the largest medical supply brands in the United States.

Miata Koroma Ekanem, BSN, MS, MBA, Senior Director, Health Policy, Clinical & Practice Affairs, Society of Interventional Radiology

Ms. Koroma started her career as a transplant nurse and transitioned into clinical and operations management. Today, she uses her clinical, business, and data analytics expertise to advocate for patients globally.

Hjalmer Danielson, MBA, Senior Director, Business Development, California Medical Association

In his role at the CMA, Mr. Danielson leads the communication, engagement and development of medical groups, health systems, and emerging health care entities within California.


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Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Kevin Dubuc (00:39):
Hi, everyone. Welcome. I know we’ve got some folks attending and joining now. We’ll give it another minute or so here before we get started.

Okay, well, everyone welcome. My name is Kevin Dubuc. I’m a Senior Product marketing manager here at Definitive Healthcare. I want to welcome you to our webinar today. We’ve got some exciting speakers from the Society of Interventional Radiology, as well as the California Medical Association, who are really going to lead us on exploration of using data to drive operational excellence within medical professional associations. Just as an agenda item here, just to let everybody know, this session is being recorded. So don’t worry about taking copious notes, although you can if you want to, we will be sending out this particular recording in a couple of days, so that you’ll have it and can refer back to it for any particular information you might have found as valuable.

So to get going, I will do a brief few minute introduction for the speakers and then we’ll get into the media discussion. And then finally we do want to leave some time at the end for Q and A. Just so that we are opening up a Q&A feature within the Zoom call, so if you have particular questions that you’d like answered, feel free to put them in there, and then we will grab as many as we can at the end of the session and answer those for you. If not, we will definitely put together some answers and make sure that we get those back out to you via email afterwards. So with that, I will kick into our introductions. First, I just want to introduce myself briefly again, Kevin Dubuc, senior product marketing manager here at Definitive Healthcare. I am going to be the host of the session today. I built Definitive now about a year and before that I was doing marketing at a medical supply company called Cardinal Health. So I’ve been in the industry in healthcare now for five or six years.

Miata Koroma Ekanem (02:50):
Good morning or afternoon everyone, my name is Mia. I am the senior director of clinical and practice affairs at Society of Interventional Radiology. And that covers predominantly health policy, government affairs, along with economics and reimbursement, and all practice-related work, which would tie to clinical guidelines, practice parameters, and quality aspects within interventional radiology. I’ve been at SIR for roughly four years. And prior to that, I worked as a nurse, transplant nurse, and transitioned into operations management a few years after. I’ll go ahead and pass it on to Hjalmer who will introduced himself as well.

Hjalmer Danielson (03:32):
Hello, all. Hjalmer Danielson. I’m senior director here at California Medical Association. Been at CMA for approximately a little over four years. Work in the business development side of recruiting and retaining medical groups size from probably about four physicians on up to the eight and 9,000 physician medical groups that we find that reside here in California. Back to you, Kevin.

Kevin Dubuc (04:00):
Great, thanks, Hjalmer. So what I’d like to do now is we’re going to have each of the speakers talk a little about their organizations and the work they’ve been doing. And then that’ll tee up the discussion really about how we’re going to get a little bit more about what is it that we’re using with the data and how particularly that’s especially incorporating very strong data at your organization to really have large impacts down the line for both you, your membership, and the communities that you serve. Mia, do you want to start for us?…