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How to boost your healthcare marketing campaign ROMI using consumer data and analytics

Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is an important metric marketing professionals use to measure the effectiveness and profitability of their campaigns and activities. This metric is especially important in the healthcare industry, where competition is high, and every dollar spent needs to be justified.

Consumer data—the information and insights you have about your patients—can significantly improve the precision of your marketing strategies and contribute to optimizing ROMI. Understanding your patient's needs and challenges, their experience through the care journey, and how and where they engage with your company are all important touchpoints for creating patient-centric healthcare marketing campaigns that resonate.

In this how-to guide, we’ll discuss why monitoring ROMI is important to healthcare marketing success, and how you can use consumer data and analytics to enhance campaign performance and maximize ROMI.

Why you should use ROMI to measure healthcare marketing performance

Tracking your ROMI is useful for evaluating which marketing campaigns are effective at contributing to revenue and which are not. This offers valuable insights into both resource allocation and strategic decision-making, as knowing the financial effectiveness of your campaigns can help you make informed decisions about where to invest, cut, or scale your marketing efforts.

Having quantifiable evidence of your marketing performance also helps justify marketing budgets to executives and stakeholders. Many healthcare organizations operate with tight margins and high regulatory compliance costs—ROMI helps these companies ensure that their marketing dollars are being used effectively.

Lastly, having access to real-time data-driven insights helps you adapt your marketing strategies as the healthcare market evolves.

What are consumer data and analytics?

Consumers (i.e. patients) are at the heart of the healthcare industry and understanding them is key for companies wanting to compete, win, and grow. By tapping into consumer data, you can craft marketing strategies that genuinely connect with patients, drive engagement, and generate revenue.

Consumer data is generally comprised of the following types of data:

  • Demographic data: Age, gender, income, location, and other basic information.
  • Behavioral data: How consumers interact with websites, ads, emails, etc.
  • Psychographic data: Patient values, interests, attitudes, and lifestyle preferences.
  • Health data: Clinical insights from EHRs, medical and prescription claims, and more.

Using consumer data to optimize healthcare marketing campaigns

You can significantly boost your ROMI by strategically leveraging consumer data and analytics. This data-driven approach not only enhances targeting and personalization but also optimizes marketing spend and improves patient outcomes.

Here are a few key ways healthcare marketers can use consumer data to drive higher ROMI:

Enabling precise market segmentation

You can use demographic, behavioral, and psychographic data to create distinct patient segments, such as new mothers, seniors, or chronic disease patients. With this information, you can develop personalized content and messaging that resonates with each segment and addresses their unique healthcare needs—potentially leading to higher click-through rates, conversions, and overall engagement.

Improving ad spend with predictive analytics

Healthcare marketers use predictive analytics tools to make predictions based on insights mined from historical patient data. This can include forecasting the likelihood of a patient having a certain disease or condition, determining when a future patient may seek treatment, identifying which marketing channels will be most effective for a specific patient cohort, and much more.

And with insights into predicted patient behaviors, your marketing team can focus marketing and ad spend on those channels, which could help minimize spend on low-performing channels and drive better results with a focus on higher-value targets.

Enhancing patient journey mapping

Patient journey mapping is a visual representation of a patient’s experiences and interactions with a healthcare provider from initial awareness through post-care follow-up.

By leveraging consumer data, healthcare marketers can gain a deeper understanding of patient preferences and pain points. In turn, this allows them to identify opportunities to improve the patient experience, leading to higher retention rates, attracting new patients, reducing patient leakage, and creating an overall patient journey.

Maximize your ROMI with Population Intelligence

Population Intelligence from Definitive Healthcare helps providers and organizations drive stronger marketing and digital advertising performance and higher ROMI. Powered by comprehensive patient and consumer analytics and built from modeled data on more than 250 million consumers, Population Intelligence empowers you to precisely target, message, and engage your audience in the right channels at the right time.

Healthcare marketers use Population Intelligence’s robust analytics tools to improve ROMI across a number of use cases, including:

  • Analyzing market trends for high-value opportunities
  • Segmenting and targeting audiences
  • Building personalized acquisition and nurture campaigns
  • Activating patients and consumers
  • Tailoring messaging and outreach to engage specific audiences
  • Improving re-marketing

And you can take your marketing and digital advertising efforts to the next level by partnering with our managed campaign services. You can rely on us to develop, implement, and manage your omnichannel campaigns, so you can focus on improving patient outcomes or driving growth.

What it all means

In today's data-driven landscape, healthcare marketing has evolved beyond broad, one-size-fits-all approaches. Leveraging consumer data and advanced analytics is a critical component of ensuring maximum ROMI.

With demographic, behavioral, psychographic, and health-related data, marketers can craft more effective campaigns that resonate with specific patient groups, reduce wasteful spending, and improve overall marketing efficiency.

To see our comprehensive consumer data and powerful analytics in action, book a demo to try Population Intelligence today.