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Top 5 mammography CPT codes in 2024

What is mammography?

Mammography is a type of specialized medical imaging that takes an X-ray of the breast to identify microcalcifications and tumors that may reveal breast cancer presence.

What are the types of mammography?

There are both screening and diagnostic mammograms. Screening mammograms are preventive exams scheduled annually, whereas diagnostic mammograms are longer, more detailed exams.

In both screening and diagnostic mammograms, healthcare providers may use a form of imaging called tomosynthesis, which is a 3-D mammogram. There are a few benefits to this type of mammogram, such as decreased false positives and overall better accuracy.

There are two types of exams within diagnostic mammograms: unilateral and bilateral. Unilateral images one breast, while bilateral images both breasts.

Breast cancer accounts for roughly 30% of cancer diagnosed in women, and the average risk of a woman in the U.S. developing breast cancer in life is around 13%. These percentages show the startling impact breast cancer has on many women and their loved ones.

Given these statistics, it’s essential to understand the field of mammography so we can develop optimal therapies, procedures, and devices to improve breast cancer patients’ outcomes.

Using data from our Atlas All-Payor Claims dataset, we compiled a list of the top five mammography CPT codes by the percentage of total screenings for 2024 below.

Top 5 mammogram CPT codes related to screenings in 2024

RankCPT codeDescription% total proceduresExplore dataset
177067Screening mammography, including computer-aided detection; bilateral44.50%Explore
277063Screening digital breast tomosynthesis; bilateral (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)40.50%Explore
377065Diagnostic mammography, including computer-aided detection when performed; unilateral6.10%Explore
477066Diagnostic mammography, including computer-aided detection when performed; bilateral5.10%Explore
577062Diagnostic digital breast tomosynthesis; bilateral2.00%Explore

Fig. 1 Data is from the Definitive Healthcare  Atlas Claims product. Data is for the 2024 calendar year through December. Data accessed as of February 2025.

What is the top mammography CPT code?

The CPT code 77067, bilateral screening mammography, including CAD, leads the list with 44.5% of total screenings. Many mammograms feature computer-aided detection (CAD), an FDA-approved technology that identifies suspicious areas within the breast.

It makes sense that this procedure is at the top of the list since it is a screening. Providers suggest all women start having a yearly mammogram at around age 40 unless otherwise indicated. Since CAD is greatly beneficial in detecting problematic areas, many providers utilize this technology.

Code 77067 is also bilateral, meaning that it is a preventive screening looking at both breasts, rather than just one. CPT code 77065, a diagnostic exam, is the only unilateral exam among the top 5 CPT codes.

The fifth CPT code, 77062, bilateral diagnostic digital breast tomosynthesis, is significantly lower than the other four top CPT codes, with only 2% of total screenings.

Using mammography CPT codes for your commercialization strategy

Healthcare organizations can leverage mammography CPT codes to enhance their commercialization strategy by optimizing reimbursement, expanding services, and driving patient engagement.

Accurate coding ensures full insurance reimbursement while reducing claim denials. Codes like 77067 (screening mammography) and 77066 (diagnostic mammography, bilateral) help organizations streamline billing and improve cash flow. Bundling mammography with related services, such as breast ultrasound or biopsy, can further boost revenue.

Meanwhile, organizations can partner with insurers to promote fully covered screening mammograms, driving patient engagement. Educational campaigns highlighting the importance of routine mammograms can improve participation rates. Partnering with employers to offer corporate wellness mammography programs further increases accessibility and demand.

Finally, investing in advanced imaging technology, such as 3D mammography, can justify higher reimbursements while enhancing patient outcomes. Healthcare providers can also establish comprehensive breast health centers, integrating genetic counseling, oncology, and wellness services to attract more patients. Additionally, mobile mammography units can help expand reach into underserved areas, increasing screening volumes.

Definitive Healthcare’s data on CPT codes can give you insights into procedure, diagnosis, and prescribing activity to help you find new paths to commercial success.

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Healthcare Insights are developed with healthcare commercial intelligence from the Definitive Healthcare platform. Want even more insights? Learn more about the top provider groups performing mammography procedures or see which imaging centers have the most mammography screenings in the U.S. Start a free trial now and get access to the latest healthcare commercial intelligence on hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare providers.