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Largest rheumatology physician group practices

Physician groups are a distinct segment of the healthcare market. These groups work together within a specific medical specialty or across multiple specialties, often in a shared practice setting. They can range from small, independent practices to large, corporate-owned entities. Due to their generally smaller scale compared to hospitals, physician groups often have greater flexibility to adapt to shifting market conditions, letting them continually stay at the forefront of healthcare needs.

Selling your healthcare product, software, or service to physician group practices is often a wise move, but it’s essential to first narrow your list of possible outreaches for more efficient sales targeting and marketing. One way in which you can narrow down your list of leads is through specialty type and size, and targeting the largest rheumatology physician groups can often be an effective sales strategy.

How many rheumatology physician group practices are there in the U.S.?

According to our database, there are 658 active rheumatology physician group practices in the U.S. However, each physician group may have several different locations to help physicians remain competitive in the market while giving them access to more patients, so this number is not indicative of the number of rheumatology clinics.

Why target rheumatology physician groups?

Physicians at rheumatology practices are at the forefront of treating and managing rheumatic conditions, and they rely on the proper equipment, technology, and trained staff to diagnose, treat, prevent, and manage their patient’s health conditions. Your company’s offerings may be what they to manage clinic operations, streamline patient care, or improve clinical outcomes.

Additionally, pediatric rheumatology is one of the greatest growing primary specialties based on claims data, showing the promise this specialty exhibits in future expansion.

Therefore, targeting large rheumatology physician groups can offer significant sales opportunities since physician groups typically present a stable customer base with substantial revenue potential. Additionally, physician groups often centralize purchasing decisions, which can lead to bulk sales and long-term partnerships—the larger the network you target, the greater the contract.

Largest rheumatology physician group practices by number of physicians

Rank Rheumatology physician group State Definitive ID # of physicians Explore dataset 
Articularis Healthcare SC 1030984 49 Explore
Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates PC MD 684785 30 Explore
Rheumatology Associates TX 684585 27 Explore
Arizona Arthritis and Rheumatology Associates AZ 732191 22 Explore
Valley Oaks Medical Group NV 751227 22 Explore
Annapolis Rheumatology LLC MD 731972 18 Explore
Southwest Spine & Pain Center (AKA Southwest Spine and Pain Care) UT 700542 18 Explore
Arthritis Rheumatic & Back Disease Associates (AKA Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease Associates) NJ 710414 17 Explore
Kansas City Physician Partners INC MO 727691 17 Explore
10 Iowa Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center PC IA 841964 14 Explore

Fig. 1. Data is from the Definitive Healthcare PhysicianGroupView product. The number of practices represents only those listed as “active” in our database as of July 2024. Data accessed July 2024.

What is the largest rheumatology physician group in the U.S.?

Articularis Healthcare is the largest rheumatology physician group in the country based on the number of physicians, with 49 physicians within its network. It has locations in multiple states, including South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, among others.

Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates PC is the second-largest rheumatology physician group, with 30 physicians serving the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area.

Finally, Rheumatology Associates is the third largest rheumatology physician group, with 27 physicians serving the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas areas.

The more physicians within a physician group, the greater their outreach and the more facilities where your product or service can be utilized. As such, large physician groups can be a wise marketing choice, and targeting based on specialty allows you to connect with physician groups that can truly benefit from your product or service.

Tips for targeting rheumatology physician groups

Once you’ve curated your target list of rheumatology physician groups, it’s essential to remember their key focuses and frame your offering as a solution to their needs. Consider the following to effectively engage your prospects:

Understand their needs

Data such as procedure and claims data, tech install data, and even Medicare charges can help you better understand each of your prospects and the unique challenges they face. Using these insights, you can personalize your outreach to those who can see the greatest impact of your product or service.

Highlight relevant benefits

Using your understanding of each physician group’s challenges, highlight the benefits of your product, software, or service that are relevant to their needs. Focus on how your solution can improve patient outcomes, enhance diagnostic capabilities, or optimize operations.

Showcase success stories

Provide evidence of the real-world benefits of your solution. Whether it’s clinical trial data or case studies, select success stories that are most relevant to the needs of the physician group you’re targeting.

Learn more

Healthcare Insights are developed with healthcare commercial intelligence from the Definitive Healthcare platform. Want additional data points, including Medicare charges, procedure data, and claims and affiliation insights? Start a free trial now and get access to the latest healthcare commercial intelligence that can help you power a more intelligent sales strategy by prioritizing the right physician groups and creating tailored messaging for their decision-makers.