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Most common lab tests by procedure volume for different lab categories

Pathology and laboratory tests are medical procedures used to diagnose, monitor, and manage diseases and health conditions. These tests involve the analysis of samples, such as blood, urine, tissues, or body fluids, to provide valuable information about a patient’s health status.

Using the Atlas All-Payor Claims Dataset, we dig into the most common labs in the U.S. based on a percentage of procedure volume in 2023. We break down the lab tests across five popular categories: chemistry, microbiology, organ and disease-oriented panels, hematology and coagulation, and coronavirus diagnostic panels.

Most common laboratory tests by percentage of procedure volume

RankLab categoryCPT codeDescription% of lab procedures in U.S.Explore dataset
1Hematology and Coagulation85025BLOOD COUNT COMPLETE AUTO&AUTO DIFRNTL WBC7.03%Explore
2Organ/Disease Panels80053COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL6.51%Explore
3Organ/Disease Panels80061LIPID PANEL3.65%Explore
4Chemical Assay Procedures83036HEMOGLOBIN GLYCOSYLATED A1C3.33%Explore
5Chemical Assay Procedures84443ASSAY OF THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE TSH2.63%Explore
6Organ/Disease Panels80048BASIC METABOLIC PANEL CALCIUM TOTAL2.23%Explore
8Hematology and Coagulation85027BLOOD COUNT COMPLETE AUTOMATED1.99%Explore
9Surgical Pathology Procedures88305LEVEL IV SURG PATHOLOGY GROSS&MICROSCOPIC EXAM1.82%Explore
10Urinalysis Procedures81003URNLS DIP STICK/TABLET RGNT AUTO W/O MICROSCOPY1.79%Explore
11Chemical Assay Procedures83735ASSAY OF MAGNESIUM1.55%Explore
12Chemical Assay Procedures8230625 HYDROXY INCLUDES FRACTIONS IF PERFORMED1.48%Explore
13Microbiology Procedures87880IAADIADOO STREPTOCOCCUS GROUP A1.34%Explore
14Hematology and Coagulation85610PROTHROMBIN TIME1.32%Explore
15Microbiology Procedures87804IAADIADOO INFLUENZA1.22%Explore
17Chemical Assay Procedures84439ASSAY OF FREE THYROXINE1.09%Explore
18Chemical Assay Procedures84484ASSAY OF TROPONIN QUANTITATIVE1.09%Explore
19Chemical Assay Procedures83540ASSAY OF IRON1.02%Explore
20Hematology and Coagulation85018BLOOD COUNT HEMOGLOBIN0.98%Explore
21Therapeutic Assay Procedures80307DRUG TST PRSMV INSTRMNT CHEM ANALYZERS PR DATE0.97%Explore
22Chemical Assay Procedures82607CYANOCOBALAMIN VITAMIN B-120.96%Explore
23Chemical Assay Procedures82728ASSAY OF FERRITIN0.95%Explore
24Chemical Assay Procedures82570CREATININE OTHER SOURCE0.91%Explore
25Urinalysis Procedures81025URINE PREGNANCY TEST VISUAL COLOR CMPRSN METHS0.86%Explore

Fig 1. Analysis of data from the Definitive Healthcare Atlas All Payor Claims product for the calendar year 2023. Claims data is sourced from multiple medical claims clearinghouses in the United States and is updated monthly. Data accessed July 2024.

What are the most common lab tests?

Pathology and laboratory tests lay a critical role in healthcare by aiding in disease diagnosis, monitoring treatment effectiveness, and guiding patient management. They provide information that helps healthcare professionals make accurate diagnoses, develop treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. The data captured from laboratory claims also provides in-depth visibility into the lab order behavior of physicians.

Most common chemistry lab test

Chemical assay procedures, or chemistry lab tests, represented 34.45% of all lab test procedures in 2023.

The hemoglobin glycosylated A1c test (CPT 83036) was the most common chemistry lab test, with 9.68% of total chemistry procedures. It’s used to measure average blood glucose levels over time, typically reflecting a span of two to three months. This test is commonly used for monitoring and managing diabetes and provides information about long-term blood sugar control.

Most common microbiology lab test

Microbiology lab tests represented 15.78% of all lab test procedures in 2023.

The immunoassay with direct optical observation for streptococcus group A (CPT 87880) was the top microbiology lab test, with 8.47% of total microbiology procedures. This test is used to detect the presence of the streptococcus A bacteria in a patient’s respiratory specimen, such as a nasal or throat swab. It helps providers diagnose and monitor streptococcus infections like impetigo, scarlet fever, and strep throat.

Most common organ or disease-oriented panels

Organ and disease panels represented 14.28% of all lab test procedures in 2023.

The comprehensive metabolic panel (CPT 80053), or CMP, was the top organ and disease-oriented panel lab test, with 45.61% of total organ/disease panel procedures. This blood test provides a broad assessment of a patient’s overall metabolic health and organ function. A CMP typically includes a combination of tests to measure various components such as glucose, electrolytes, kidney function markers (such as blood urea nitrogen and creatinine), liver function markers (such as alanine aminotransferase and albumin), and other metabolic indicators. Providers often order a CMP as a routine screening test or to evaluate overall health status, monitor chronic conditions, or assess medication side effects.

Most common hematology and coagulation lab test

Hematology and coagulation lab tests represented 13.85% of all lab test procedures in 2023.

The complete blood count with automated differential white blood cell count (CPT 85025) was the most common hematology and coagulation lab test, with 50.77% of total procedures. It’s a blood test that offers comprehensive information about the different types of blood cells in a patient’s sample. The test measures various parameters, including:

  • Hemoglobin: Measures the amount of oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.
  • Hematocrit: Determines the percentage of red blood cells in the total blood volume.
  • Red blood cell count: Quantifies the number of red blood cells in a given volume of blood.
  • White blood cell count: Determines the total number of white blood cells in the blood sample.
  • Platelet count: Measures the number of platelets responsible for blood clotting.

This information helps in evaluating the immune system and detecting any abnormalities or infections. It’s a crucial tool for diagnosing and monitoring a wide range of conditions, including infections, anemia, inflammatory disorders, and certain blood cancers. It also provides insights into a patient’s overall blood health.

Most common coronavirus diagnostic panel

Urinalysis diagnostic panels represented 5.38% of all lab test procedures in 2023.

The complete urinalysis with microscopic examination and reflex to urine culture (CPT 81001) was the most popular urinalysis diagnostic panel, with 35.78% of procedures. This test uses a dipstick or tablet reagent to detect substances or cellular materials in urine that might indicate certain metabolic and kidney disorders, including urinary tract infections.

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