Standard Analytical Files
What are the standard analytical files?
The standard analytical files are a dataset produced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that includes information at the claim level related to beneficiaries and the services performed by beneficiaries’ claims.
For standard analytical files and other reports, CMS gathers data from facilities that offer care to Medicare beneficiaries, including:
- Hospices
- Nursing homes
- Hospitals
- Home Health Agencies
CMS updates the standard analytical files annually.
Standard analytical files typically include data on:
- Hospital where service was provided
- Beneficiary sex
- Admission date
- Beneficiary race
- Claim payment amount
Why are standard analytical files important to healthcare?
Standard analytical files are important to healthcare because they provide valuable insight into the care delivered to Medicare patients. With this information, healthcare organizations and providers can better understand medical services across a range of areas, such as demographics or diagnoses.