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NPI Target List

What is the NPI Target List?

An national provider identifier (NPI) target list is a segmented list of healthcare professionals identified by their NPI numbers, who meet specific criteria set by an organization. This criteria can include factors such as American Medical Association (AMA) medical specialty, hospital affiliation, license type, or insurance carrier.  

By knowing all this information about a healthcare provider or organization, medtech and biopharma companies can precisely target specific NPIs via digital ad platforms, which may lead to better business outcomes.   

What is the benefit of an NPI Target List?

Marketing specifically to those on an NPI target list allows an organization to precisely target and engage healthcare professionals who will most benefit from their products or services. With a targeted approach to digital marketing, biopharma companies can save time and money by focusing only on healthcare providers likely to convert, keeping them from wasting their budget on unknown audiences.  

Additionally, using NPI information allows the company to personalize its marketing strategy for each organization, which further increases its odds of success.