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Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

What is infection prevention and control (IPC)?

Infection prevention and control (IPC) is an evidence-based practice under the WHO that reduces healthcare providers’ exposure to toxins and infections, like hospital-acquired conditions.  

Common IPC practices include  

  • Handwashing 
  • Equipment sterilization
  • Proper injection safety 
  • Use of PPE 

Optimal IPC demands the involvement of various healthcare professionals, such as facility managers, policymakers and medical workers. These professionals receive training on proper IPC.  

Why is infection prevention and control (IPC) important to healthcare?

Infection prevention and control (IPC) is important because it ensures the delivery of quality healthcare services. In fact, faulty IPC practices can greatly harm or even kill patients and employees. IPC can also help reduce secondary infections in particularly vulnerable or low-income areas of the world.