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Powering product launches with claims and affiliations intelligence

A life science consulting company needed to have access to real-time, accurate healthcare data with a quick turnaround of 3-5 days to meet their client’s product launch deadline. The consultants achieved such great success using Definitive Healthcare data in this project that they used our claims and affiliations data in 52 additional client projects that year.

Key result


projects using Definitive Healthcare affiliation data over one year

The challenge

Needing current, accurate data and a fast turnaround

A consulting company specializes in product launches, market segmentation, and sales force strategy for biotech, pharma, and medical device companies. To drive their clients’ strategies and business plans, the company not only needed real-time data on the changing healthcare landscape, but they needed it fast to fit their numerous 3-5-day deadlines. As they began work with a customer on a product launch, they looked for a data source that would meet these requirements.

The solution

Building a successful launch plan using claims and affiliations data

The consultants chose to use Definitive Healthcare due to our extensive intelligence on the market and ability to drill into specific providers. To gain a deep understanding of their total addressable market, they leveraged claims data to identify healthcare organizations (HCOs) and healthcare professionals (HCPs) with high diagnosis and procedure volumes for specific clinical codes, as well as track referral patterns. Affiliations data within Definitive Healthcare was also vital to their project. They leveraged affiliations data to understand HCOs’ and HCPs’ relationships with other networks and facilities and map where the affiliations were located. They also gained intelligence on ownership (e.g. owned by a hospital, part of a larger network, or independent), which helped them determine where purchasing power was and the best path forward to influence these decisions. This data was the missing piece for their client’s project and enabled them to stay current in a landscape that changes daily.

The impact

Using Definitive Healthcare data in 52 projects in one year

Affiliations and claims were used to understand the continuum of care and which providers had influence—a critical piece for any go-to-market strategy. This intelligence was key to achieving a successful product launch for their client, and due to their impressive results, the consulting company used Definitive Healthcare’s data in 52 additional client projects over the course of the last year. Leveraging this data helped them close more business faster, and remains core to their current strategy.