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Enabling a brand to move from a later- to earlier line of therapy for a highly prevalent chronic disease

A leading biopharma company had an inline brand for a large primary care market and was eager to expand the brand’s market from a predominately late line of therapy to an earlier line of therapy in the patient’s treatment pathway. Leveraging Passport Analytics Suite-enabled AI/ML algorithms, the company significantly grew its brand presence to early lines of therapy.

Key result


increase in brand movement from a later- to an earlier line of therapy

The challenge

Navigating challenges to position a client’s brand to an earlier line of therapy

Generics predominate the first line of therapy, however patients with concomitant conditions impact choice of treatment due to contraindications for various treatment options. In addition, the large pool of healthcare providers (HCPs) made it challenging to identify high-value targets.

The solution

Using AI/ML modeling to identify the most influential HCPs

Leveraging Passport Analytics Suite-enabled AI/ML algorithms, we analyzed data on the longitudinal history of the large patient population and segmented the market based on patient, physician, and payor characteristics to understand market dynamics. We then predicted when physicians were likely to move their patients from first-line generic therapy to branded therapy and considered concomitant patient conditions.

The impact

Improved HCPs targeting contributed to significant growth of the client’s brand as a first line therapy

Over a 2-year period, the patient population of the brand grew 80% across all lines and grew 215% from later to earlier lines of therapy. In addition, the impact of this growth has also seen growth of the client’s brand as a first line therapy, replacing generics.